Work begins on £40m new affordable council housing development in Leeds
The project off Middleton Park Avenue is one of the largest being undertaken as part of Leeds City Council’s Housing Growth Programme and will be made up of 60 two-bed, 38 three-bed, two four-bed properties and four bungalows.
It will also feature an extra care housing facility for older people requiring care and onsite support, with 47 one-bed and 13 two-bed contemporary open-plan type apartments which will provide secure, well-designed homes that are wheelchair accessible and allow for future adaptability and 12 one-bed bungalows which will be built specifically for adults of working age with disabilities.
The development will provide benefits to the wider community through delivering improvements to the existing public open space and creating a recreation ground and a central area suitable for numerous leisure activities. Soft landscaping will be used to enhance the green space with a feature area of wildflower meadows; the planting will improve the aesthetics of the area and provide a space for pollinating insects and wildlife. Tree planting will further enhance the area by creating a focal point that will also provide both shade and increase biodiversity. Pathways will provide access routes for the community with strategically placed seating and natural play areas.
Created by developer Wates Construction, the site will be equipped with an underground district heating system to provide the properties with energy-efficient heating and hot water, supporting the council’s commitment to tackling the climate emergency through new energy-efficient, affordable housing options. In addition, each property will have off-street parking and an electrical vehicle charging point.
The development is scheduled to be fully completed by autumn 2023.